In one of the best-kept secrets of the year, the long-running adult animated series Futurama, created by Matt Groening of The Simpsons fame, has made a surprise comeback. Season 11 has found its way to Hulu, and as of the time of writing, 5 episodes have been released. We can happily confirm that it feels like it always has in the best way. All of your favorite characters are back, and there are even some callbacks to fan-favorite episodes of the past. Here are some of the best episodes you can watch to fuel your excitement as you wait for more each week.
The Day The Earth Stood Stupid (Season 3, Episode 7)
This episode is an essential rewatch, with a callback appearing in Episode 4 of Season 11. This is the first time we see Leela’s pet “dog” reveal himself as – surprise, surprise – not just a dog, but an ambassador from a highly intelligent race of beings that are conveniently called Niblonians. The episode also contains some other important series moments, like the first appearance of the hypnotoad. All glory to the hypnotoad!
Parasites Lost (Season 3, Episode 4)
Season 11, Episode 4 also makes a clear callback to Season 3, Episode 4 which is immediately apparent from the title, “Parasites Regained.” In “Parasites Lost,” we’re treated to a fun premise that parodies the classic sci-fi movie Fantastic Voyage. Fry eats a bad egg salad sandwich, infecting him with worms. When the crew discovers this, and the fact that it’s making him profoundly smarter, the crew shrinks themselves down to enter his body and fight the worms. In Season 11, we see a fun reversal of this plotline when Nibbler is infected by the worms, except this time, he’s rapidly losing intelligence.
Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch (Season 5, Episode 5)
Season 11, Episode 2 finally gives us a payoff to a joke set up in Season 5, Episode 5 that frankly won’t make much sense if you haven’t seen it. Kif, who reproduces through touch from someone he feels emotionally close to, discovers that he’s pregnant. However, when it’s called to attention that during a moment of distress, he was touching everyone in the crew, the parentage of his children is called into question and it’s discovered that the true birth mother of his children is Leela. However, Kif doesn’t consider this relevant, as he chooses Amy to be the mother because of his close relationship with her.
In this episode, we learn that it will take 20 years in a swamp on Kif’s home planet before the children are ready to enter the world. In Season 11’s “Children of a Lesser Bog,” we finally get to see the children emerge.
Xmas Story (Season 2, Episode 8)
The next returning character we can look forward to seeing is Robot Santa, who first appeared in “Xmas Story,” Season 2, Episode 8. With the new episode featuring the character yet to air, it’s hard to say what links to previous episodes will be made, but starting with his first appearance should be a great way to refresh yourself on the story of the evil Robot Santa.
All episodes of Futurama are streaming now on Hulu.