With the ridiculous amount of interconnected material belonging to the Marvel Cinematic Universe nowadays, most viewers fall into one of two camps: dedicated followers...
Fresh off leading roles in Spenser Confidential, Joe Bell, Infinite, and Father Stu, Mark Wahlberg’s time spent as critical kryptonite in recent years did...
In its original form and as adaptive material, Oliver Twist has remained wildly, if predictably, prevalent to this day, so seeing continual takes on the infamous...
When Netflix and infamous screenwriter/director Zack Snyder announced the space opera saga of Rebel Moon, the Star Wars comparisons were not just inevitable; they were painfully obvious....
For many David Fincher fans, his late-2020 Netflix original Mank did not satisfy those looking for the director’s signature brand of grit. Perhaps that...
Loki proves once again that Marvel television is satisfying the loyal fanbase. Not only are the recurring actors and characters continuing to bring their all...
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