Beloved studio Aardman Animations, known for popularizing claymation, had produced decades of television for BBC when its first feature film, Chicken Run, came out...
The mileage varies for animated films with adults, and the experience can drag regardless of its quality or appeal to children. Some see Netflix’s Leo as...
In its original form and as adaptive material, Oliver Twist has remained wildly, if predictably, prevalent to this day, so seeing continual takes on the infamous...
Prime Video’s Invincible put adult-oriented superhero insanity into a tight, highly entertaining package with a long-awaited start to a second season this month, so the shock...
Though Netflix’s anime slate has significantly grown over the past few years, the recent Ronin-centered miniseries Blue Eye Samurai shows that the streamer still...
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is, by many accounts, the best movie of 2023 so far. Critical acclaim, universal popularity, and even more engaging drama...
Since its inception, Pixar has emerged as one of the most consistent and prolific animation studios in the world, and its newest offering, Elemental,...
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