Deep in the superhero-dominated era of science fiction, each passing year of the 21st century marks another hit-or-miss year for sci-fi movies. Though some...
The low-brow underworld of film, occupied by Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey and other instantly unpalatable gems, frequently overlaps with those movies considered the worst...
In its original form and as adaptive material, Oliver Twist has remained wildly, if predictably, prevalent to this day, so seeing continual takes on the infamous...
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is the newest addition to the decade-old franchise known as the MonsterVerse, which began in 2014 with Legendary’s Godzilla reboot. Halfway through this...
Yet another standard of the continuous streaming content cycle is the maligned sci-fi genre, a formerly acquired taste of thoughtful literary types now synonymous...
Even for a streaming service that hosts They Cloned Tyrone, German multi-timeline mind-bender Dark, and a dating show called Sexy Beasts, this recent Netflix original is a...
Celebrated author Victor LaValle’s horror fantasy novel The Changeling had an atmosphere and allure that succeeded in fusing genres with expertly devised characters. Fifty Shades of...
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