Orion and the Dark shares plenty with movies for seven-year-olds: a childhood adventure with anthropomorphic creatures, simple but over-the-top dialogue, gorgeous animation, and lessons...
Though reviews do not always equate success, few fully accepted the first attempt at adapting Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson book series wholeheartedly. The films garnered solid...
In its original form and as adaptive material, Oliver Twist has remained wildly, if predictably, prevalent to this day, so seeing continual takes on the infamous...
Whether you celebrate Kwanzaa every year or you’re looking to educate your children about the holiday, these three shows have episodes about the celebration...
The history of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps in visual media has rarely been at the forefront of critical conversations, given the fondly remembered but cringe-inducing original TV...
The Disney-owned animation company Pixar was on a rare downturn following Toy Story 3, with both original films and sequels underselling at the box office....
For children and post-children alike (in other words, everyone), a good family film can scratch many viewing itches, ranging from lighthearted to poignant, zany...
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