With the ridiculous amount of interconnected material belonging to the Marvel Cinematic Universe nowadays, most viewers fall into one of two camps: dedicated followers...
After an amusing introduction to the world stage with word-of-mouth sleeper hit What We Do in the Shadows, charismatic New Zealand actor/director Taika Waititi...
Dark Humor at Its Finest Anthony Jeselnik’s latest special, “Bones and All,” showcases his signature dark humor and razor-sharp wit. Recorded during his world...
Though reviews do not always equate success, few fully accepted the first attempt at adapting Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson book series wholeheartedly. The films garnered solid...
Loki proves once again that Marvel television is satisfying the loyal fanbase. Not only are the recurring actors and characters continuing to bring their all...
The history of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps in visual media has rarely been at the forefront of critical conversations, given the fondly remembered but cringe-inducing original TV...
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