Black Cake debuted in November 2023 alongside decent reviews, co-produced by Oprah Winfrey through the Harpo Films division of her multimedia company. With its early...
In its original form and as adaptive material, Oliver Twist has remained wildly, if predictably, prevalent to this day, so seeing continual takes on the infamous...
Every season of Riverdale captured the hearts of viewers, continually delivering a unique blend of mystery, drama, and teenage intrigue that the series became...
Apple TV+’s murder mystery/comedy series The Afterparty concluded its second season in true Hercule Poirot/Knives Out fashion: the almost all-new cast, where anyone can be the murderer,...
With two hit trilogies behind him (Ocean’s and Magic Mike), prolific director Steven Soderbergh can get any project greenlit. Fans already know that the legendary indie/big...
Popping up with little hype on Netflix in July, this festival-appearing directorial debut quietly appeared on the streamer but has gained word-of-mouth traction every...
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