Lina is designed to curate and deliver the latest streaming information, making it easier for you to discover what to watch next. Whether you’re searching for the newest series, upcoming films, or hidden gems across various platforms, Lina has got you covered!
Is there a word for that hangover-like feeling you get after a great Netflix binge? Bingeover, anyone? Well, whatever it’s called, that’s what Suits...
Despite several high-profile horror movies being released recently, only a handful have scratched that particular itch that only a great film can satisfy. Many...
We’ve become accustomed to books being adapted to television series, but now we have a new medium to adapt to screen: podcasts. Podcast-to-screen adaptations...
Warning: Spoilers ahead. The podcast world is now so interesting that now we’re featuring them in television shows. We’re patiently waiting for Season 3...
Concert ticket prices are rising at an unprecedented rate, making live music an inaccessible form of entertainment for millions of Americans. Thanks to streaming...
Sports biopics might not appeal to everyone, and any avid movie watcher knows these films can be hit-and-miss. For every Raging Bull, there’s a The Babe to...
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